Saturday, November 20, 2010

How do i change my mac adress?

i'm hooked up to a d-link router and i was wondering how i can change my mac address. i got banned from a video game which ban's the ip but from what i've heard you can change your mac address and release and renew the ip to get a new one? is this possibleHow do i change my mac adress?
dont touch that lol..

look around your router's options: to access your router option goto your internet browser and type in in teh address bar and press enter

it will ask you for log in info.. just press enter and go into the options ... find a button that says DHCP realese or DHCP renew...

click this.. and restart your router... ( dont unplug it.. there should be a reboot button in the options page)

voila.. your IP has been reset ( this only works if you have a dynamic IP..static IP means u have to change it manually [if u can])

dont mess with you MAC addressHow do i change my mac adress?
Amend its MAC address There are two ways, one is the hardware changes to another kind of software is modified. Hardware way is to direct the card to operate, modify stored in the EPROM card inside the MAC address, through the card manufacturer can change the procedures for amending the address in memory. Then what is? EPROM 禄 EPROM Electronics is a memory in the professional jargon, it is rewritable, meaning that a White you use a pen to write again after will not be able to use the eraser, and this White EPROM with a pencil After writing can wipe, which can be repeatedly changed the data memory. Of course, the software changes on the way to a relatively much simpler, in Windows, the MAC card stored in the registry, the actual use is extracted from the registry, the registry can be modified as long as the change MAC. Windows 9x edit: Open the Registry Editor, in HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \ SYSTEM \ CurrentControlSetService \ Class \ Net \ under the 0000,0001,0002.

Changes in the Windows 2000/XP: the same open the registry editor, HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \ SYSTEM \ CurrentControlSet \ ControlClass \ 4D36E970-E325-11CE-BFC1-08002BE10318 in 0000,0001,0002 in DriverDesc, if found in 0000, in 0000 Below add a string variable, named ';NetworkAddress';, in order to set the value of the MAC address, for example: 000102030405

Under Windows, the MAC address is stored in a registry key. To change a MAC address, find that key with `regedit` and change it. Of course, Microsoft keeps moving the location of the key around!

Windows XP adds an option to change the MAC address on some network cards under the Advanced tab in the network adapter's Properties menu.

A much easier and more reliable method to change a MAC address under Windows is to use a software utility program designed to do this for you.

Macshift is a free utility that you can use to spoof your MAC address under Microsoft Windows.

follow this link : you'll find all necessary info

you messing with mac address is not smart!

your router might be unusable,,,

Use it on your own risk

Goooood luck!

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