1) Terminal (sudo ifconfig en1 ether/lladdr xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx, etc. tried EVERYTHING)
2)A Couple programs, but they seem to be outdated. I seem to be missing the AppleAirport2.Kext file that these programs used.
Any links to programs or advice would be much appreciated.Change MAC address on MacBook Pro 10.5.4 or 10.5.5?
For what it's worth, what you're asking about is spoofing your MAC address. You can't actually change the MAC address, because it's hard-coded into the chip on the NIC, but you can tell the NIC to ignore its MAC and send a different one.
A Google search of ';spoof mac address on macintosh'; turned up quite a few articles (one is listed below), but from what I can tell you're doing it right. How are you actually testing the spoof? An ifconfig will probably show your real MAC address. You might be able to check your local arp table (arp -a); I'm not sure if that will show you the real address or the spoofed address.The best test would be to check the network device on the other end and see what it's receiving.
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