Model: WNR2000
Well I recently knew how to change my IP address (to get unbanned from sites/games) and it was going to my router website ( and i've been trying to set a couple IP's but it seems that you have to put in a specific code? Mac addresses format code is XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX, with letters and numbers. I'm really new to this so is there a list of valid codes I can use to change my IP? I've just been guessing some numbers/letters and when I tested them my IP said, but some actually work. Answers will be much appreciated..Netgear router, question about MAC addresses?
Typically, you would get a new IP address every time you logged on to the Internet. So, if you restart your router, or reconnect, then it would log on and get a new IP address. That is, unless you have a static IP address, in which case you would have to talk with your service provider.
MAC addresses should not be transmitted over WAN networks (internet). Only your ISP should see the MAC. If you want to change the MAC, I would suggest changing just one character (perhaps the last character) up or down by 1. These are meant to be unique though, and generally not changed.
MAC addresses are in HEX format. 0123456789abcdef. Any combination should work, unless there are some ';reserved ones'; which is why I suggested changing just 1 character. router, question about MAC addresses?
There is difference between your router IP address (192.168.x.x), your WAN IP and your MAC address.
You can find them all. For router IP address check:
For MAC address:
For WAN (external IP address):
To change your IP address you need to change your WAN IP address and not MAC address or Router IP address.
Most probably using proxy server will hide IP address (change IP)
If you would like to hide IP address try with p[roxies
The MAC address is not the IP address.
The LAN IP address assigned to your pc has absolutely NO bearing on the public IP address that the game site saw.
Resetting the LAN IP address will not help you.
The public IP address you have is most likely a dynamic public IP address assigned by your Internet Service Provider and it is very likely the game site has more ways to identify you than just the dyanmic public lP address.
Having said all the above, all your efforts are of no value in getting you to your goal. I suggest you consider good behaviour in the future.
Firstly, a bit about IP address'...
An IP address is a unique number that identifies each computer on the network or assigned by your ISP.
Computer reads it like:
The number that you see is is decimal form (form we can read)
The computer reads this number in binary (machine code)
So 11011000.00011011.00111101.10001001
There is two types of IP's, one assigned by the ISP and one assigned by the router.
The ISP, or internet service provider, lends out the IP per customer.
So your house has an IP, the library has an IP and a school has its own unique IP.
Then there is an IP that is leased out to you by a router. It is used to define all the nodes (peripherals) on the router.
So your ISP IP might be 70.456.....
But you router IP might be 192.168...
Now, whoever is banning you is doing so via your external IP (provided by your ISP). So whenever that changes (assuming that you did not order for a static IP address) the company should not know who you are. Unless you have the same SN.
I have heard that they ban by the MAC add bound to your ethernet card, but I dont think they do. If you wish you can get a program to change that too.
I also heard they can ban you by the serial numbers that you used to register the games. This is one why you need a legit copy to play a game (either that or play on a private server)
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