Wednesday, November 17, 2010

How do i change a MAC Address on a wireless card?

I have a Belkin Wireless G Notebood Card installed in my computer and when I open up the program to see the Available Networks I always see 2 MAC Address for the same SP. I try to connect to the one that gives a better signal and it jumps to the weaker signal with and differnt MAC Address.

What Can I Do A Better Signal?How do i change a MAC Address on a wireless card?
I seems to me you have two wireless devices.

I think the easiest thing to do it ot isolate wich device is which and disable the weaker signal device... You can disable this through your Control Panel ~~~Network Connections, Right click on the device and there ';Should '; be option to disable it.

Like what the others have said,, MAC address are burned in the device and can create even worse problems if messed with.How do i change a MAC Address on a wireless card?

(2) run


(4) type ';ipconfig';

(5)type ';ipconfig / release ';

(6)type ';ipconfig / renew ';

all set
Cant change the Mac its burned in, I dont think you mean Mac Address clarify?

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