Saturday, November 20, 2010

How to change MAC Adress?

Basically i bought a new PC and i want it to have internet. I CAN call my ISP and tell them to change my mac address, but i want to have internet on the old PC WITHOUT a router

So is there any method to do this: unplug the cable from the old pc and plug it in the new one and have internet, if i want internet on the old pc i just put the cable back there...i this possible??How to change MAC Adress?
My friend, you are dearly confused. Accessing the Internet requires an IP address, not a MAC address. You can't even access the internet using just a MAC address, because routing occurs over the internet, and routers require an IP address in order to route data. MAC addresses are only used internally within LANs to communicate through switching, not routing (unless VLANs are used).

And you do not need a router to connect to the internet. All you need is a modem provided by your ISP which would use an ethernet adapter to connect to your computer's NIC.How to change MAC Adress?
U shouldn't have to mess with MAC addresses to access the internet. If your router which connects to your ISP has the normal CAT ethernet connector (which almost all do) then u can just plug your old PC into it and get online.

Or u can buy an ethernet switch (which u would connect to the router) and plug both PCs in at once and have internet on both simultaneously.

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