Wednesday, September 21, 2011

I have 2 Ntl Modems, separate MAC addresses?

Hi, i have an NTL port upstairs and downstairs the port downstairs is connected to the modem and i tried to connect the upstairs modem to my other PC with no luck, as it kept saying this modem is not registered with this address or something along those lines, i was told that i needed to clone the MAC address as this is the one linked to my NTL cable etc... I was wondering whether anyone knows how to down this. Or knows how to change the 'Physical address' or the modem so that it is the same of my current one. Please only post if you know what you are talking about or are experienced in this field. Thankyou in advance, Mike.I have 2 Ntl Modems, separate MAC addresses?
First off, MAC addresses are burned in to networking devices during the manufacturing process, are unique and cannot ever be changed. Some people, including technical writers, talk about changing a MAC address when they really mean cloning a MAC address.

ISPs frequently monitor the MAC address of the first device attached to their network. In the case of NTL, however, the network monitors the MAC address of the cable modem and the modem monitors the MAC address of the first device connected to it.

Therefore whoever told you that you need to clone the MAC address of the cable modem would be right in most cases but not in this one.

What is needed is to power cycle the modem and the first device connected to it so that the volatile memory of the modem is wiped and it then records the MAC address of the first device when it is powered up.

The network knows nothing about this as the modem (with its MAC address) has not changed.

For details on connecting a new device to the NTL cable modem, go here:

Thanks Mike, test it out and then award me 10 points.

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